How do PTCs work?
PTCs work in much the manner as traffic exchanges (TEs). You view other people's promotional offers and receive credit for doing so.
The difference between PTCs and TEs is the value of that credit.
With a TE, the credit you earn is used to advertise your offer. With PTCs you can also use your credit to advertise your offer if you choose. The twist comes in with the monetary value of the credit.
You will earn real money with the PTC programs. You can convert that money into advertising credits or you can receive it as spendable income.
When you are first starting out online, you want that spendable income so you can prove to yourself and others that it is possible to make money online. After you have that proof in your hands, you will probably want to go on and make larger chunks of money. PTCs will give you pocket change. You want mega bucks. Right?
So, it is best to consider your PTC income as working capital to use towards other programs which will produce the big money.
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