If this is your first time here, read the Quick Start Guide BEFORE you do anything else.
Keep in mind that you will not have a good footing in your business if you try to move too fast. Read the quick start guide then follow the Step by Step Instructions. Do it right from the beginning.
You will eventually join a lot of different businesses here. Don't try to join them all at once. You will see the best results if you build your business at a pace that you can manage with your time and your finances.
If you follow the information on this website you will never have to take money from your family budget to build your business online. If you jump the gun and start paying for things before you earn any money you will quit and lose this great opportunity to have a profitable online business.
You will not be making a lot of money by next week no matter what you do online. Building a good business takes time and effort. Plan on using a little of both here.