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Other Ways

Other Ways

Earn Online Without Own IP

I cant find an article on the search engines regarding this topic so take the chance to read it.

All PTC sites limit one account in one Internet Protocol (IP) so far as I know. Meaning, you can only use one account in one IP otherwise your account will be suspended.

So how can someone who doesn't own a computer earn online? Well, there are lots of ways to earn online. You don't need to rely on PTC sites. To tell you the truth, I also do not own a pc before, I just relied on office computers and computer shops. But then I succeeded using the ways I listed below.

1. PTC risk taking
2. Peoplestring
3. My lot
4. Students Questions (for intelligent people)
5. Pickjack (for those good in answering and making trivia)
6. Bukisa
7. Mypage5

Let's discuss each of the ways:

1. PTC risk taking

PTC sites doesn't really detect whether you own a pc or not. It detects only the IP you are using. So whether you register in a computer shop or in a private computer, the site cannot determine the difference. Here's the catch, registering in a computer shop has a greater risk for your account to be suspended. Why? A computer shop share a public IP, meaning, everyone using computer in a computer shop uses the same IP. Where's the risk? When other person register in the same PTC site you have registered, both of your account, will be
suspended immediately. Note that this only applies to registration, you can login in any IP you want.

So what's my point telling you all of these? These is to make you aware of the risk and give you tips on how you can lower the risk when you choose this way of earning online.

Risk is always there even when you own your PC. So the best thing to do is to lower the risk in any case. When you want to register in a PTC site, you should choose wisely the public IP you will be using.

If you are working in an office, take the chance to register because there is a very low chance that other employees are involve PTC earning. Office workers has greater chance of owning PC so they will not bother registering in a public IP. Also usually, office uses
multiple IP that shifts depending on speed rate. This reduces the risks.

When there's no chance to register in an office, you may choose computer shops. But still, be wise in choosing. You may choose computer shops operating with only few computers or computer shops where most of the users are network game players. There is a lower risk in this kinds of computer shops.

These are just some of the ways to lower the risk. You may have your own way. Use it if you think its better. One last thing, read the terms of service. There might be some restriction which you may overlook in some PTC sites. You may choose your first PTC sites on my list of trusted sites if you want. Click here After successful registration you may now refer people to immediately increase your earnings. Read some of my tip in my article "Tips to Get more Referrals". Don't forget to buy your own PC when you had enough earnings

2. People String (Click here to register)

People String is a social network that pays you for something you are already doing. This site doesn't require you to have your own pc. You can earn here by:
1. reading emails on the mailbox already provided by people string (
2. taking surveys
3. Referring people ($0.50 per referral)
4. Logging in regularly (increases your people points which is used to determine your share in earnings of the site)

To get started, take your first survey and you'll get you'll earn $1.50 upon confirmation of your physical address. They will mail you your code. Payment of your earnings will be through paypal or direct mail depending on your choice. (Check my article on how to withdraw your earning. Click here.)

Just take time to be familiarized with the site. It wont harm or cost you anything. Just do things as you usually do.

3. My lot (Click here to register)

My lot is a community to discuss lots of things around the world. Its a forum community that pays you to respond in topics you became interested in. I've never seen such a forum that pays before. Besides responding, you are also paid when you refer someone on the site. Cool isn't it. That's not all, there are paid task which you can accomplish by accepting the task. You will be paid certain agreed amount for every verified task accomplished. That's my favorite part, accomplishing tasks. It's really nice to be part of this site. You
earn while you enjoy your stay. Try to be familiar with the site and you'll see.

4. Student Questions(Click here to register)

For this one, you need to be intelligent. All you need to do is answer students questions pertaining to different subjects in school. Register and choose your expertise, then look for questions to answer. Answering questions for free increases your rating. High rating is a factor to be earning here. Explore the site, if your intelligent enough, you'll be able to learn how it works.

4. Pick Jack (Click here to register)

For this one, you also needs to be intelligent. If you like trivias, this site is for you. Just enjoy answering trivias and share yous own trivias as well. I don't need to discuss it further, you'll manage to learn everything if you're really interested. Enjoy earning while learning


5. Bukisa (Click here to register)

Bukisa pays you to right articles. Your earnings will be based on the
number of views on your articles. If your a writter, this site is
right for you. You can publish as much as 20 articles per day. Just
make sure that the articles you are about to publish is yours and not
just copied to some place on the web otherwise,you will be banned and
all earnings will be forfeited.

6. MyPAGE5 (Click here to register)

MyPage5 is a site that pays you to socialize. There are lots of ways
to earn. The following are some activities where you will earn: post
comments, create discussions, upload photos, view profiles and make
comments etc. Upon signing up, you will instantly be credited with
$5.00 if you uploaded primary photo upon signup otherwise, you will be starting at $0.00 account balance.

That's it for now. I will be updating this article as soon as I find another site for you.

Thank you for reading my article. Hope I made a difference.

Earning Using CP and UBT

Cellphones today are getting more useful than before. You can now install different softwares which are very useful in everyday life. One of the useful feature of cellphones today is its capability to connect to internet. So you don't need to rent a pc outside just to check your mail and other social networking websites. So how can you earn money by just using cellphone and this UBT thing? Let me first tell you what UBT stands for. It means Unlimited Browsing Technique. Meaning, you'll be able to surf internet using your cellphone 24/7 and free of charge (available only in the Philippines). So with this technique, you don't need to worry about any charges you may incur in earning through browsing. To learn about UBT, sign up to Pinoyden.Com. When you've signed up, ask your co-members about operamini 4.2 or any browser available and compatible to your cellphone. The members there are so helpful. They will teach you everything.

Now lets see how can we earn using your cellphone. When connecting to internet, cellphones use public IP. If you haven't read my article about earning without on own IP, click here. Basically, ways of earning will be the same as the said article. The only difference is that you use cellphones here while you use and rent computer in the other. Please just read the said article for some ways to earn money when you don't have IP.

For the purpose of this article, I will be telling you the benefits and limitations of using cellphones and UBT in earning online.

1. You'll save money because internet is free.
2. No hassle. You can surf anytime, anywhere.
3. Choose between PC view or cellphone view.

1. Sometimes, time consuming when signal is low. Dependent on cellphone signal.
2. Consumes so much cellphone battery. You need original and longlasting battery.
3. No flash support. You can't click and view ads when you choose PTC sites to earn.

Let me share you how I use my cellphone on earning online. This has been very useful for me before. I use my cellphone to login to peoplestring to earn people points and to mylot to accomplish some tasks and participate in discussions. (see "Earning without own IP" for info). Not only that, I also use it to write articles like this one. So that I would never be renting pc just to type my articles. I use Xplore application for this purpose, can be found also in pinoyden. This is a very useful application, try it. Also, when I'm about to search something about PTC, of course I just use my cellphone instead of looking for a computer shop. I had an instant access. You better try it now. It's cool. Share it with your friends and they'll be amaze.

Thank you for reading my article. Hope I made a difference.

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